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Kitty Misfit

Takma adlar: Caitlyn Smith

ülke: United Kingdom

Doğmak: May 3, 1994

Göz: Blue

Saç: Red

Boy uzunluğu: 162 cm

Göğüsler: Natural

Popo: Natural

Görüntüleme: 8

Kitty Misfit videolar

1 Videolar
Kitty Misfit is a retired pornstar based in the North East of England.
She was a super cute girl next door kinky type with a curvy body.
Starting webcamming at 18 years old she branched into the industry slowly until her debut in 2017 with Nerd Pervert.
Kitty has now worked with 6 UK porn companies whilst producing over 30 videos both solo and with other UK performers.
Kitty retired from the industry in 2018 although still updates her OnlyFans page with her archives.
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